How to Start Investing NOW in The Metaverse

CoinShopp io
3 min readJan 14, 2022

There’s nowhere to run: the metaverse is here to stay and everyone is talking about it all the time. After all, according to Grayscale Investments, that market could turn into a trillion-dollar revenue opportunity.

Not convinced yet? Several real-estate purchases were made in the metaverse — some of them are worth millions of dollars in crypto. Samsung created its first metaverse shop after buying some virtual land. Other great brands will follow shortly.

Do you wish to know how to invest in metaverse projects and help them become a reality throughout the mainstream? We’re here to assist you.

How to invest in metaverse?

There are three ways you can start investing in metaverse right now:

Buying their tokens

That’s the easiest way to become an investor in metaverse: you can buy tokens through exchanges like CoinDCX, WazirX, or even MetaMask, which is largely accepted for basically all metaverse’s projects. You can buy MANA (Decentraland), SAND (The Sandbox), and so on.

There are a LOT of projects available on the web and more of them are popping up at the time you’re reading this article. Being conservative in the first moments is key to success; try the most popular ones first, then go for other ones later if you want.

Buying a virtual land

You must register at the metaverse game you like the most, then connect your crypto wallet into their account to make transactions. Decentraland (MANA) and The Sandbox (SAND) are the most popular metaverse projects up to date.

After you’ve logged in, you can browse from the options of available virtual lands to purchase.

Once you’re the owner of virtual land, you can build anything — literally — inside your property. Just like you’d be able to in the physical world. You can build houses, e-commerce, nightclubs, games and so much more.

Buy non fungible tokens (NFTs)

You can always buy NFTs to support a project and make be part of it directly. A good example is Axie Infinity, a metaverse game in which you can buy Axies (your game characters) in NFT format. Through gaming, you’ll earn money through the AXS token (the main currency of its metaverse).

In short, you can buy NFTs in Axie Infinity for game characters, Decentraland for virtual real-estate, The Sandbox to purchase and sell art, etc.

The bottom line

As you can see, there are a lot of ways to enter directly into the metaverse. While the most accessible one is to buy tokens, you can also invest in NFTs or even in virtual real-estate — if you have the money for it.

The virtual lands are scarce; thus, their value is increasing exponentially. No need to be scared if the prices are too steep. That’s decentralized competition, plain and simple.

The bigger the stakes, the larger the rewards can be. But don’t forget — we’re talking about a volatile and risky market here. So, tread carefully and don’t put your money if you can’t stand to lose it!

As always, don’t forget to register now at CoinShopp and start shopping with crypto!



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